Download Trigonometry Flash Cards: Memorize Values of Trig Functions (sin, cos, tan) from 0 to 360 Degrees (English Edition) de Chris McMullen,Carolyn Kivett PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
[Download] Trigonometry Flash Cards: Memorize Values of Trig Functions (sin, cos, tan) from 0 to 360 Degrees (English Edition) de Chris McMullen,Carolyn Kivett Ebooks, PDF, ePub, Trigonometry Flash Cards: Memorize Values of Trig Functions (sin, cos, tan) from 0 to 360 Degrees (English Edition) Pdf libro
Trigonometry Flash Cards: Memorize Values of Trig Functions (sin, cos, tan) from 0 to 360 Degrees (English Edition) de Chris McMullen,Carolyn Kivett
Descripción - This eBook includes 212 digital trigonometry flash cards in color (where color is available). Each flash card is decorated with triangles.These flash cards are specifically designed to help students memorize the sine, cosine, and tangent of 0, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, 180, 210, 225, 240, 270, 300, 315, 330, and 360 degrees.For example, one flash card has cos(120) followed by the answer, cos(120) = -1/2. All of the answers are written as reduced fractions with rationalized denominators (except when the answer is a whole number). All of the angles are expressed in degrees.The first set of 102 flash cards has the problems sin(0) thru tan(360) in order. The first half of this eBook is designed for students who are still memorizing the values of these trig functions.The second set of 102 flash cards has the problems sin(0) thru tan(360) shuffled. The second half of this eBook is designed for students who have attempted to memorize the values of these trig functions, and who need to test their mastery of it.There are a few flash cards at the beginning that remind you what the definitions of sine, cosine, and tangent mean in relation to a general right triangle. There is also one flash card near the beginning that has the sign of sine, cosine, and tangent in each quadrant.Some math and physics teachers require students to memorize the basic trig functions of the common angles from 0 to 360 degrees. Some standardized tests require this of students, also. For example, the MCAT is closed calculator and involves trig, and some of the problems require taking a sine, cosine, or tangent of an angle like 120 degrees. It’s also useful to know these common trig values when working on a back-of-the-envelope calculation with a colleague during lunch, for example.Each flash card appears as its own picture on its own page. All of the flash cards come in pairs: First comes the problem flash card, followed by the corresponding answer flash card. The answer flash card reminds you what the problem was. So first you see the problem, and then you check your answer immediately.This eBook reads like a book. It is not a program or a game. It does not use a random number generator. The flash cards do look like ordinary flashcards (and they are in color and are decorated with triangles). The first half of this eBook has the flash cards in order to help memorize the trig values. The second half are shuffled to help test how well the trig values have been memorized. The shuffled cards will always appear in the same order.
Trigonometry flash cards memorize values of trig trigonometry flash cards memorize values of trig functions sin, cos, tan from 0 to 360 degrees english edition ebook mcmullen, chris, kivett, carolyn tienda kindle Ibmathsstandardnotes1 trigonometric functions derivative ib math sl Precalculus with trigonometry trigonometric functions 34 find all values of from 0 through 360 for which b cos 1 a sin 1 c tan 1 d cot 1 e sec 1 f csc 1 for problems 3542, find the exact value no decimals of the given expression note that the expression sin2 means sin 2 and similarly for other functions you may check your answers using your calculator 35
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Detalles del Libro
- Name: Trigonometry Flash Cards: Memorize Values of Trig Functions (sin, cos, tan) from 0 to 360 Degrees (English Edition)
- Autor: Chris McMullen,Carolyn Kivett
- Categoria: Libros,Juvenil,Educación y consulta
- Tamaño del archivo: 11 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
[Download] Trigonometry Flash Cards: Memorize Values of Trig Functions (sin, cos, tan) from 0 to 360 Degrees (English Edition) de Chris McMullen,Carolyn Kivett Libros Gratis en EPUB
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