Lee un libro Simplified Mathematics: Numbers and Numeration (English Edition) de Kingsley Augustine libros ebooks
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Simplified Mathematics: Numbers and Numeration (English Edition) de Kingsley Augustine
Descripción - This book, Simplified Mathematics: Numbers and numeration, is a useful book for high school students and students in colleges. It serves as a useful tool for students who are preparing for entrance examinations into colleges and universities. Students with poor mathematical foundation will find this text very valuable in improving their problem solving skills in mathematics.The step by step explanations presented in the worked examples are easy to understand since care was taken to sufficiently explain salient points and mathematical ideas. Efforts have been made to achieve a complete and simplified explanation of every worked example given in this eBook. Many worked examples have been included in each topic in order to fully cover every complexity the topic might contain. Numerous exercises at the end of each chapter are intended to test students' understanding of the topic. Therefore students are thus presented with an effective means of self-assessment whereby they can determine their individual strengths and revision needs. The topics covered in this book include: Number bases Standard forms and approximations Laws and theories of logarithms Modular arithmetic Percentage error Arithmetic progression Geometric progression Surds, including square root of surds. Students will find these topics well simplified, thereby making mathematics more interesting.A constructive overview of this mathematics textbook will be highly appreciated from buyers so as to give an overview to others who intend to purchase a copy of this book, and also to serve as a form of advice for the author to use when revising the book.
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Detalles del Libro
- Name: Simplified Mathematics: Numbers and Numeration (English Edition)
- Autor: Kingsley Augustine
- Categoria: Libros,Juvenil,Educación y consulta
- Tamaño del archivo: 13 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
LIBRO Simplified Mathematics: Numbers and Numeration (English Edition) de Kingsley Augustine PDF ePub
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